Action Artist (4-5 players) O02 アクションの達人



Comp Vol.8、9相違なし

Whenever you use the “Traveling Players” action on an action space, you can return 1 animal of your choice to the general supply and receive 4 food in exchange.

⇒You do not need a cooking improvement.


⇒You may immediately convert the animals into food with an appropriate improvement, without having to make room for them in your farmyard.However, you may not use that food to buy more animals with the Animal Trainer.
⇒ [適切な進歩を持っていれば、手に入れた家畜を即座に食料に換えても良い。このとき、農場に家畜を置くスペースがなくてもよい。ただし、この方法で得た食料を猛獣使いの能力に使用することはできない。]