Big Backer (3-5 players) O01 大パトロン



Comp Vol.8、9相違なし

Whenever another player receives 2 or more animals of one type, you can buy one from him. A sheep costs 2 food, a wild boar 3 food, a cattle 4 food.

⇒ The other player cannot refuse to sell the animal.

⇒ [Is not activated when another player uses the Clay Seller E186 or Sheep Farmer K297 (to get cattle and wild boar), not even if he uses the card multiple times in succession.]

⇒[Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at one time because of the Swineherd E206, Stockman E213, Animal Dealer I259, Sheep Farmer K297 (only sheep), Animal Trainer K342, Animal Breeder K307, Shepherd E203, Cowherd I240, or Shepherd’s Crook I77.]

⇒[Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at the start of a round, including those from the Veterinarian K304.]